
Answers to Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions

We know how to fight back for you.

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    What type of case are you inquiring about?

    While you have probably heard the term “personal injury” many times, you may be wondering what a personal injury case is and what types of accidents or injuries are typically covered in a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury actions are “tort” cases alleging that an injury or harm has been caused by the negligence or intentional conduct of another person or entity. In a personal injury case, the injured victim (known as the plaintiff) brings a legal action seeking to hold a party or parties (known as the defendants) legally responsible for his or her injuries. Even though many accidents and injury claims are resolved informally outside of the legal system, you should always discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you determine the best course of action to take in your case. The Houston personal injury lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP will explain how the legal process works and will take aggressive action to protect your legal rights so that you will receive full compensation for your injuries.

    Types of Personal Injury Cases

    There are many different types of personal injury cases. Some of the most common claims include slips and falls, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, workplace injuries, and defective products. While you may be familiar with these kinds of cases, there are countless other kinds of accident cases that fall within the scope of personal injury law. For instance, if you have been injured in a construction accidentrefinery and plant explosion, or on an offshore drilling rig or production platform, the top-rated Houston personal injury lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP may be able to file a personal injury claim on your behalf seeking financial compensation for your injuries. It is important to recognize that accidents and injuries occur just about everywhere, regardless of whether your injury occurred at work or while you were shopping and running errands. If it was caused by the negligence of another person or entity, you may be entitled to compensation.

    Types of Relief Available in Personal Injury Cases

    If you have been injured in an accident, your lawyer may seek several different forms of relief in your case. First, your attorney may request compensation for your “economic damages.” Economic damages generally include past and future medical bills, lost income and earning capacity, damages to personal property, and other costs and expenses associated with your accident and recovery. Your personal injury lawyer may also request non-economic damages to compensate you for past and future mental anguish, pain and suffering, disfigurement, physical impairment, and loss of enjoyment of life resulting from your injuries. While the damage payments in most personal injury cases are negotiated and settled outside of the courtroom, you should work with an experienced accident lawyer who knows how to take a case to trial. It is impossible to predict whether the insurance companies and large corporations responsible for compensating you for your injury will act reasonably to negotiate a fair resolution of your claim.

    Below is a list of our frequently asked personal injury questions.

    Accidents and injuries are an everyday part of life. Whether an injury occurs at home, at work, in a store, or on our nation’s roadways, when a person suffers an injury due to the recklessness or negligence of another party or entity, the injured person should be properly compensated for his or her injuries.

    Unfortunately, the insurance companies responsible for compensating accident victims often try to avoid liability and limit injury payments  For this reason, it is important to discuss your case with an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer at Morrow & Sheppard LLP before you talk with the insurance company. A skilled attorney will carefully review your accident and injuries in order to determine whether you have a valid personal injury claim.

    Often in our practice, clients ask whether they should file a personal injury claim. The question our clients are truly asking is: “what does a personal injury claim do?”

    Personal injury claims serve several different functions. First and foremost, a personal injury claim is designed to help you obtain the compensation and relief that you are legally entitled to. When an insurance company offers you, a settlement knowing that you are not represented by an attorney, the offer is likely to be low. While you might try to negotiate a slightly higher payment on your own, it is extremely unlikely that you are going to be able to convince an adjuster to pay you the same amount as you would if you retain legal counsel.

    When you work with an attorney to make a personal injury claim, you are sending a strong message to the corporation or insurance company involved that you are not going to accept their lowball offer: you expect to receive fair and just payment for your injuries.

    Why Work with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

    In addition to increasing the likelihood of a higher compensation award, working with a personal injury lawyer to file a legal claim can also give you peace of mind. Rather than acting alone, you will have the support and guidance of a trusted professional who knows how to gather evidence to support your claim and stand up to the insurance company or corporation responsible for your injuries.  Whether negotiating a settlement with your opponents or litigating your case in court, the experienced lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP will take all steps necessary to protect your rights and obtain maximum financial relief for you and your family.

    If you decide to work with a Houston area law firm to pursue a personal injury claim, make sure the firm will represent you on a contingency fee basis. Morrow & Sheppard LLP handle their personal injury cases on a contingency basis.

    A contingency fee means you only pay if you win. If you don’t receive a recovery from a settlement, arbitration, or court judgment, you will not be responsible for paying your attorney’s fees. Not only does this type of fee arrangement relieve you from making a large up-front payment to your attorney, it also creates a strong financial incentive for your lawyer to secure the maximum compensation available in your case as quickly as possible. In a contingency fee arrangement, your interests are directly aligned with the interests of your attorney because he or she will only get paid when and if you receive a recovery.

    The process of filing a personal injury claim can seem overwhelming, but it is important to remember that a good attorney will be with you every step of the way.  If you decide not to initiate a claim, you may be wondering what the worst that can happen is. The answer is that you run the risk of getting nothing from the insurance company or a payment that is only a fraction of what you would have received if you had been represented by a skilled personal injury lawyer.

    The value of your case will turn on a variety of factors, including the nature of your accident, the extent of your injuries, and the financial resources of the company or person who is responsible. Because legal claims are so complex, the most important thing you can do is (1) hire an attorney who you feel is competent and will look out for you, and (2) do everything you can to make sure that attorney has all the information needed to thoroughly evaluate, negotiate, and (if necessary) litigate your case.

    Types of Damages Recoverable

    One factor that will influence the value of your case is the damages you are entitled to seek. This is dependent on the nature of your injuries and the kinds of legal claims you are entitled to assert. Assume, for example, that you have been seriously injured in a car accident in Houston. If you hire a personal injury lawyer at Morrow & Sheppard LLP to handle your claim, your attorney will carefully review your file to determine whether you have an actionable case. In assessing your case, your lawyer will consider both your “economic” and “non-economic” damages. Economic damages represent your monetary losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, and damages to personal property. Non-economic damages include damages from pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, disfigurement, and physical impairment. Depending on the nature of your automobile accident, your lawyer may also consider whether a claim for punitive damages is appropriate in your case. Punitive damages are generally only awarded where the defendant’s actions are particularly reckless or dangerous.

    Case Valuation Is Complex

    While the Houston personal injury attorneys at Morrow & Sheppard LLP will undertake a thorough evaluation of your claim (i.e. a Jones Act claim), no attorney can guarantee the dollar amount that you will ultimately receive for your injuries. If a law firm promises you a specific recovery or favorable result, you should be very wary of hiring the firm to handle your claim. An honest personal injury attorney will explain that many different variables can impact the outcome of your case. He or she should take you through the valuation process so that you have a realistic assessment of your case. Your lawyer should also provide straightforward answers to your questions and give you a clear understanding of all legal avenues that may be available to you. In our personal injury practice, we see a great number of potential clients who want us to tell them exactly what their case is worth. Regardless of whether your claim involves a simple slip and fall accident or a complex work injury, such as a plant explosion or an oilfield accident, when you meet with the lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP for an initial consultation, you should not expect your attorney to predict precisely what your case is worth. Rather, you should spend your time carefully reviewing your accident and injuries with your lawyer and spend time asking the questions you need in order to determine whether the attorney is the right personal injury lawyer for you.

    You or a loved one has been injured.  Or your business is involved in a potential dispute. What’s the first thing you should do?

    The answer is simple.  Before you do anything else, you should contact an attorney who can assess your situation and discuss your options.

    At Morrow & Sheppard, you and your family are entitled to a 100% free and 100% confidential consultation. There is no obligation to hire our firm or pursue a claim.  There truly is nothing to lose by visiting with us.

    Furthermore, if you do decide to hire us, we will handle your case on contingency fee.  That means you only pay if we win.

    There are many reasons why you should immediately speak to a lawyer who will look out for your interests.  Those reasons include:

    • There are probably legal deadlines that apply to your claim.
    • Your case may require an inspection, witness interviews, or other investigation, all of which are best done sooner rather than later.

    The other side has likely hired an attorney, in which case they are already working hard to build their defense.  Don’t give the other side a head start.

    Generally, the sooner an injured person consults an attorney regarding their potential case, the better.

    It is important to act fast for several reasons.

    The Other Side Has Already Contacted A Lawyer, And So Should You

    Corporations and insurance companies have full-time lawyers on staff whose entire job is to respond to accidents. Their goal is pretty simple: try to demonstrate their client did nothing wrong, and that you are to blame. Even when the company is clearly at fault, its mission is to pay you as little as possible.

    The time-tested process corporations and insurance companies use to get their clients off the hook begin immediately after an accident. Usually, the first thing they do is ask you to participate in an interview or give a statement.  Then they ask you to see one of their doctors.  Don’t do either one of those things until you speak to an attorney of your own.

    Large companies, their lawyers, and the doctors they have on retainer are trained to ask questions in a way that gets the answer they want, regardless of what the truth is.  That’s why you should never speak to anyone about your accident until you consult with an attorney of your own.

    When the other side already has a lawyer, attempting to handle things on your own is like fighting with one arm tied behind your back. You need to contact a lawyer you can trust to aggressively represent your interests. Whether you hire Morrow & Sheppard or someone else, you should not try to fight a corporation or insurance company on your own.

    Preservation of Physical Evidence

    Shortly after an accident, the physical evidence involved will generally be more accessible than it will be months or years later. For example, even weeks after an 18-wheeler accident, the truck involved may be fixed up and on a job thousands of miles away. The equipment at issue (tires, brakes, etc.) may have been altered or repaired, hindering the ability to show its condition at the time of the accident.

    The more time that passes, the more of an opportunity the party responsible has to discard or alter the evidence, even if they are not supposed to do so. A refinery involved in an explosion would be hard-pressed to explain why it discarded the product which caused the fire in the days, weeks, or months following the accident. But years later, the company may argue it discarded the product because it forgot or thought it was no longer important.

    It is important to begin the investigation process as soon as possible.

    Preservation of Non-Physical Evidence

    Immediately following an incident, the non-physical evidence critical to the case may be easier to locate and document. For example, shortly after an accident, eyewitnesses may still be in the vicinity and available to give a statement.

    In the months or years after an accident, those eyewitnesses may move away, their contact information may change, and contacting them may become more difficult. Over time, memories fade and can even change. Witnesses who would initially give supporting testimony may forget what they saw. Or, the witnesses could speak to others, including their employer, and be persuaded to remember things differently. For this reason, it is important to act quickly.

    Statute of Limitations

    There is usually a legal deadline to file a personal injury case. This is referred to as the statute of limitations or prescription. Depending on where you live, the statute of limitations to bring an injury lawsuit can be as little as one year, if not sooner.

    A year can go by in an instant, especially when your focus is on getting the injured person better and taking care of their family, not legal matters. For this reason, it is important to act quickly following an accident to ensure none of your rights are lost.

    Oftentimes, potential clients call us after they have been approached by an insurance company or corporate representative.  The corporate employee or insurance adjuster has asked the potential clients to sign a form or give a statement when they are fired.  In some cases, the potential clients have been offered money if they do what they have been asked to do.

    With good reason, this makes many potential clients uncomfortable.  They want to know what to do and whether they should sign the document.  Whether they should give the statement.

    The answer is an unequivocal NO. You need to consult with an attorney before you sign anything or give any kind of statement.

    The sad truth is that corporations and insurance companies often coax injured people and their families into signing unnecessary releases or agreeing to their slanted version of the facts.

    Even something that appears innocent—such as a request for a statement “just to get down the facts”—typically has sinister motivations.  In reality, the people taking these statements have been taught how to ask questions by high-priced lawyers who are experts on how to spin the facts their way.  They will ask questions in a manner that seems innocuous, but is intended to get answers that support the company’s defense, regardless of what the truth is.

    Make no mistake. There is only one reason employers and insurance companies are “investigating” cases: to limit your legal rights and keep money in their own pockets.

    We understand you are concerned about what will happen if your employer finds out you are thinking about hiring a personal injury lawyer. But don’t worry.

    Conversations with an attorney regarding potential legal advice are protected under the law. Nobody – not your employer, not an insurance company, not anybody — has the right to know about our legal advice or your confidential free legal consultation.

    We have helped clients win cases around the country. If you need help with a case in another state, we will get temporarily admitted there, or we will team up with qualified lawyers in your state.

    The important thing is that we have the experience and skills to help you. We have proven it during our successful careers at the nation’s largest and most prestigious law firms.

    We will help you get results no matter where you live.

    Pro Hac Vice Admission

    A lawyer who is not licensed in a particular state can often be admitted temporarily to handle a case for a client.

    This is referred to as “pro hac vice,” which is a Latin term meaning “for this event” or “for this occasion.”

    If you hire us to handle your case, and we decide to file outside of Texas, our Houston injury lawyers will likely seek to be admitted pro hac vice.  This enables us to bring our skills to bear in the jurisdiction where your case is pending.

    We may also joint venture with local counsel.

    Joint Ventures with Local Counsel

    We have relationships with attorneys all over the country.

    In many cases, we will associate with local counsel in the jurisdiction where we file your claim.

    This enables us to make sure the right people are handling each aspect of your case.  For example, we may subpoena documents, take witness depositions, and try the case, while local counsel may assist with court hearings.

    The local counsel we associate with is typically paid from the same percentage contingency fee as we are, which means there is no additional cost to you, and you still only pay if we win.

    Local counsel is not to be confused with workers’ compensation or disability attorneys, who are paid according to state and federal law.

    Most cases settle. But some go to trial. We are prepared to help you in either circumstance.

    At Morrow & Sheppard, our #1 goal is to get you the best result possible. We have settled or tried hundreds of cases involving millions of dollars. We will do whatever is best for your case.

    Lawsuits, particularly personal injury lawsuits, can be difficult. Oftentimes they are emotional. Sometimes they feel like they have taken forever, even though they have not.

    We have helped a lot of people get through these difficult situations. It would be our privilege to do the same for you and your family.

    If you hire Morrow & Sheppard, your lawsuit will cost you nothing unless you win.

    We left high-paying jobs at the nation’s largest and most prestigious law firms so that we could help ordinary people and small businesses like you.

    We knew when we started this firm that our clients usually would not have money to pay lawyers up front.

    But we also believed, and we still believe, that ordinary people and small businesses deserve not just lawyers, but the same high-quality attorneys and legal services usually reserved for large companies. We intend to provide that for you.

    So how do we get paid? We work on what is called a contingency fee. That means we front all of the costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees for your case. We only get paid out of your total recovery if you win.

    If you lose, you pay nothing. You never pay anything out of pocket.

    When you or your loved one is injured, the last thing you want to worry about is how to pay for medical care. We understand that.

    One reason we started this firm is to ensure that ordinary people who are injured find and receive quality medical care. We will work with doctors and hospitals to make sure you receive the help you need.

    You may be entitled to government assistance. You may be entitled to employer health benefits. You may need a loan to help you with expenses until your case is resolved. We will work through these issues with you.

    The most important thing you can do is immediately retain a qualified personal injury lawyer to ensure you receive the necessary advice, care, and treatment.

    If you have been injured in an accident and are considering taking legal action, you are probably wondering what type of compensation you will be entitled to receive. In a personal injury case, the accident victim will file a lawsuit seeking to recover financial damages from the party or parties responsible for his or her injuries. The amount and types of damages that you will be able to recover in a personal injury case will depend upon the extent and nature of your injuries and the circumstances surrounding your claim. In Texas, damages in a personal injury case are generally classified into three categories: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive (exemplary) damages.

    Economic Damages

    In a personal injury case, economic damages are designed to compensate the injured victim for his or her financial losses. Economic damages include:

    • Past and future medical expenses
    • Lost income
    • Loss of future earning capacity
    • Damages to personal property
    • Other financial losses attributable to your injuries

    The medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses associated with an accident or injury can be staggering. Minor injuries can turn into major injuries that will have serious and long-lasting effects on your life. The skilled Houston personal injury attorneys at Morrow & Sheppard LLP can help you obtain a fair compensation award that will allow you to best deal with your economic losses today and well into the future.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages seek to compensate victims for their non-monetary losses. Non-economic damages consist of:

    • Physical pain and suffering
    • Mental anguish and pain
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Loss of consortium
    • Physical impairment
    • Disfigurement
    • Loss of companionship and society
    • Other types of non-pecuniary losses

    Because these types of injuries are intangible and have no defined value, juries can often have a difficult time placing a dollar value on the precise amount of non-economic damages suffered.

    An experienced personal injury lawyer can be invaluable in helping to determine your non-economic damages. Unlike your medical and hospital bills, the pain and suffering and mental anguish that you are suffering do not come with a bill or invoice. This is where experience comes into play – a lawyer with ample experience in handling personal injury claims will be familiar with settlements and verdicts in claims similar to your own. While every case is different and no attorney can guarantee the amount of your recovery, your attorney should be able to take you through the process so that you have a general sense of the compensation that you may be entitled to.

    Punitive (Exemplary) Damages

    In Texas, punitive damages are also known as “exemplary damages.” These damages serve as a penalty and are meant to punish the conduct of the responsible party. Punitive damages are generally awarded when the responsible party’s behavior is reckless or dangerous. These damages are not tied to your injury, and they are above and beyond the actual losses you may have suffered.

    If you have questions about punitive damages or economic or non-economic damage awards in your case, you should discuss your situation with the Houston lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LPP, who have extensive experience handling personal injury cases.

    If you have been injured and are considering taking legal action, you may be wondering how long it will take before your personal injury case goes to trial. The truth is that your case may never even end up in court. According to reports from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, it is estimated that only 4% of all tort or personal injury lawsuits are disposed of by trial. Your claim very well may be resolved through a negotiated settlement, rather than being litigated in the civil court system.

    That said, even if a defendant offers you a settlement, you may decide you want your day in court. You always have that right. We are trial lawyers and we welcome the opportunity to try your case if that is what we need to do.

    The Importance of a Well-Prepared Personal Injury Lawyer

    Regardless of whether your situation involves a car accident, a defective product, an industrial accident such as a plant explosion, or another type of accident, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you determine how to best proceed with your claim. It is important to remember that every personal injury case is different and requires a unique and individualized legal strategy.

    While the vast majority of personal injury claims are settled outside of the court system, you still need to be prepared for trial. An experienced personal injury lawyer should treat your case from day one as if it is going to be litigated in court. Your attorney should undertake a complete investigation and examination of your claim. This will necessarily include interviewing key witnesses and inspecting all medical reports and other documents that are related to your case. Depending upon the nature of your injury, your legal counsel may also hire private investigators and consult with medical, scientific, and industry experts to collect the strongest evidence in support your claim.

    A thorough and complete investigation sends a strong message to the insurance carriers and large corporations that you mean business. While corporate defendants generally go to great lengths to limit their liability and financial exposure in injury and accident cases, a skilled and knowledgeable lawyer can help you get the compensation that you need and deserve. When insurance companies and corporations recognize that they are up against a strong legal team, they are more likely to negotiate a fair settlement of your claim. They know that going to trial is a risky proposition in any case, and litigating in court will be more difficult when they are battling well-prepared and experienced plaintiff’s counsel.

    If you have been injured due to the actions of another person or entity, you need to take action quickly. While the legal system may seem confusing and overwhelming, an attorney with extensive experience handling injury and accident claims can help guide you through the process. You should never attempt to go it alone – legal representation from a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer will give you the best chance of obtaining a fair and just recovery in your case.

    Negligence is the failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in similar circumstances.  The word “negligence” derives from the Latin term “negligentia,” which means ” to neglect.”

    Elements of Negligence

    The elements of a legal negligence claim are:

    1. the defendant owed a legal duty to the plaintiff;
    2. the defendant breached the duty; and
    3. the breach caused the plaintiff’s injury.

    Duty of Ordinary Care

    Both companies and people have a duty to avoid acting negligently.  Most times, the duty owed is the duty of “ordinary care.”

    Put simply, the duty of ordinary care is breached when a company or person either acts carelessly, or fails to do something a reasonably careful company or person would have done.  In other words, as the Texas Supreme Court has explained:

    … if a party negligently creates a situation, then it becomes his duty to do something about it to prevent injury to others if it reasonably appears or should appear to him that others in the exercise of their lawful rights may be injured thereby.

    It is worth noting that, in certain circumstances, companies owe an even higher duty than the duty of ordinary care.

    Typically, personal injury negligence cases involve evidence that:

    1. The defendant owed you a duty.
    2. The defendant breached the duty.
    3. The defendant’s breach caused your injury.

    Examples of Evidence That May Show Negligence

    Possible examples of evidence that could be used to show negligence include:

    • In a trucking accident case, evidence that the truck driver was overworked or not taking proper precautions at the time of the accident.
    • In an offshore injury case, evidence that a crane operator was not properly trained, leading him to overload the crane or otherwise use it in a manner that caused injury.
    • In a Jones Act maritime personal injury case, evidence that the employer failed to install required safety equipment.
    • In a case arising from an apartment complex fire, evidence that the complex failed to properly address electrical maintenance issues that caused or contributed to the fire.
    • In a refinery explosion case, evidence that the premises owner or contractors failed to follow safety policies and procedures.
    • In a motor vehicle accident case, evidence that the other driver was going the wrong way down a one-way street.
    • In a dangerous product case, evidence that the manufacturer failed to design a device properly, rendering it unsafe.
    • In a dangerous medical device or pharmaceutical case, evidence that the manufacturer rushed a drug to market to maximize profit.
    • In an oilfield injury case, evidence that an employer or contractor used the wrong equipment, causing or contributing to an injury.

    These are only a few examples.  It is important that you speak to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible so that all forms of potential negligence can be investigated.

    In considering whether you were owed a negligence duty in a personal injury case, courts might consider whether the defendant:

    • Knew or should have known that an accident like yours could occur.
    • Had a relationship with you, such as employer-employee, or was a manufacturer of a product.
    • Was engaging in an unsafe activity at the time of your accident.
    • Voluntarily undertook an activity that contributed to your accident.
    • Was operating under a contract or subcontract at the time of your accident.

    Does your employer have a special duty to avoid negligence?  Yes.

    Generally, if an accident occurs on work premises or while someone is working, companies owe injured persons special duties, including:

    • Providing a safe and secure workplace
    • Establishing safety rules and regulations
    • Warning employees of hazards
    • Furnishing safe equipment
    • Properly supervising those involved
    • Providing employees with sufficient help in performing work
    • Duty to control employees and ensure they do not cause accidents
    • Duty to exercise reasonable care to prevent independent contractor injury where control is retained over any part of the work

    The types of damage available in a personal injury negligence lawsuit vary from state to state, and are often dependent on the specific facts of a given case.

    Personal injury negligence damages frequently include:

    1. Past pain and suffering
    2. Future pain and suffering
    3. Physical disfigurement
    4. Past physical impairment
    5. Future physical impairment
    6. Aggravation of pre-existing conditions
    7. Lost household services
    8. Past mental anguish
    9. Future mental anguish
    10. Loss of past earning capacity
    11. Loss of future earning capacity
    12. Loss of consortium
    13. Medical expenses
    14. Punitive damages

    There is usually a legal deadline to file personal injury claims.  This deadline is typically referred to as the “statute of limitations” or “prescription” period.

    The deadline to file lawsuits depends on several factors, including the type of claim asserted, the state where the action is filed, and the court where the action is filed.

    For example, in Texas, personal injury negligence lawsuits must typically be filed within 2 years of the accident.

    Extension of the Deadlines

    In some cases, the statute of limitations can be extended or “tolled,” meaning you would have longer than the standard time period to file a claim.  Examples include:

    • discovery rule:  when a plaintiff did not initially know of the injury and could not have reasonably discovered it
    • fraud:  the defendant concealed its wrongdoing
    • disability:  when the plaintiff is a minor at the time of injury, or is of unsound mind
    • military service:  the plaintiff was actively serving in the military
    • death:  the statute of limitations is usually extended when a person dies
    • absence from state:  the limitations period is usually tolled during the time a defendant is out of state
    • misnomer:  when the wrong party is named accidentally but the correct party is served
    • estoppel:  when a defendant made representations that induced the claimant to delay filing suit:  a lawsuit was timely filed but dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, and the claimant diligently files in a different court

    The Houston personal injury attorneys at Morrow & Sheppard have handled many negligence cases over the years and millions of dollars for our clients and their families.

    Injured persons and their families are frequently entitled to compensation in a number of situations, including:

    These are just a few examples of the types of practice areas the Houston personal injury lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard handle.  If you or a loved one has been injured, there are a number of reasons why you should contact an attorney as soon as possible to determine whether your situation is one that entitles you to assert a legal claim for compensation.

    Contact A Houston Personal Injury Lawyer For A Free Consultation Today!

    These are just a few of the benefits and advantages that personal injury lawyers can offer. If you have been harmed in an accident and are considering legal action, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney at Morrow & Sheppard LLP as soon as possible. We will quickly provide you with a free, confidential consultation to review your potential personal injury case. Then, if you choose, we can get started helping you claim the compensation that you or a loved one needs and deserves.

    If you or a loved one were seriously injured or tragically killed in an accident as a result of the negligence of others, contact our personal injury lawyer for a free, confidential consultation at (800) 489-2216 or fill out our free case evaluation form online.

    What Our Clients Are Saying

    Shelia T.
    Shelia T.
    Griselda Alvarado is such a kind and patient individual. She has a great personality. Through this process she has been so helpful. I needed ti fill out paperwork for a case . She was very patient with me I'm not a computers wise. I was embarrassed to tell her. She gave me the option to come into the office I declined several times. Finally I had to go into office. When I met her she was so helpful and kind. She was suppose to get off at 5 we stayed close to 6. Never did she try to rush the process she was very patient with me. We got everything done and she was so helpful. She has a beautiful spirit and assured everything was completed. She offered me water and kept asking if I needed a break. Since the covid out break I have a phobia being out in public and dealing with people. She was great assisting my needs. Thanks again Griselda for a job well done.
    Sujey G.
    Sujey G.
    Hola buenos días Excelente atención y servicio Muchísimas gracias a la Sra Jaqueline Rodríguez por toda la atención brindada.
    Melissa Z.
    Melissa Z.
    I hereby acknowledge the valuable help I received from Mrs. Griselda Alvarado and her team in the follow-up and completion of my case, which was favorable and of great benefit to me. In doing so, I highly recommend that people with similar cases turn to this team. Thank you for everything! Virginia Zavala
    Bryan M.
    Bryan M.
    My experience is very excellent because the tension and the way they treat the people is excellent and like the ladies Laura and Griselda are kind with their service because both of them where the ones that most helped for my case to go good with the excellent work that Nick and Mike do.Im very thankful with all of them.
    Anna D.
    Anna D.
    Ms. Griselda Alvarado has helped my friends and family for years. Very thankful for her and her teams support. She goes above and beyond for her clients. She is very knowledgeable, speaks Spanish and is great at explaining the process. If you need help, definitely reach out to her.
    Rod A.
    Rod A.
    Thank you so much Griselda for great service and helping me..through of the case..
    Dray H.
    Dray H.
    From the very first consultation, I was struck by their professionalism and commitment. Chris and Daniel took the time to listen to my concerns, understand our situation, and outline a clear path forward. It was apparent that they all were not just going through the motions; they were genuinely invested in achieving the best outcome for my son as he suffered a lot from being hit by a car. Throughout the process, their hard work was evident. Your choice of legal representation can make a world of difference, and I am fortunate to have found a lawyer and Firm who embodies these qualities. Thank you once again for everything; your efforts will not be forgotten. If you need an honest law firm that's going to be transparent and help get the best results, call Morrow and Sheppard.
    FRANK H.
    FRANK H.
    They went through highs and lows to help me with my case. At the end we won thanks morrow & Sheppard so much…
    Elena H.
    Elena H.
    They were professional and very helpful with everything. If had any questions they would be quick to respond and was able to help me understand it better on things during the whole case. Thank you so much and keep up the excellent work.
    Pavan L.
    Pavan L.
    I must recommend MS LLP for their superb services. Their team is very attentive and responsive in assisting at all times.
    Cynthia D.
    Cynthia D.
    Griselda was so helpful and knowledgeable! She made the entire experience seamless and went the extra mile on our case. We are so happy we chose Morrow & Sheppard to represent us!
    Michael J.
    Michael J.
    John Sheppard and Chris West did an outstanding job in representing me following a rear-end collision. Highly recommended!
    Jeff S.
    Jeff S.
    Nick and Laura are the best..They helped every step of the way.Can’t recommend them highly enough.Not only do they get results but they care and make you feel like family.
    Cassandra M.
    Cassandra M.
    They were very professional and understanding. The have patience and do their job well. If I had to return I would with no hesitation
    Juber M.
    Juber M.
    4 months agoI am Extremely Happy with Morrow & Sheppard Lawfirm. I worked closely with Nick Morrow end Laura on my case With the rest of his staff. They were diligent in handling my law case matter to resolution. Laura end Nick would keep me up to date with the status of my case … More , They fought for me to get the best settlement possible.. I am happy with the outcome Thank you Nick and the staff Of MORROW END SHEPPARD LLP
    Candace M.
    Candace M.
    Chris West is an excellent addition to the Morrow & Sheppard team. His skill set, dedication, and overall reliability he brings to the firm and clients are uncanny. You will not be disappointed.
    Melis R.
    Melis R.
    I highly recommend the Morrow & Sheppard to anyone. They are an incredible group that did an outstanding job to make sure I got the highest settlement for my case. Attorney Daniel and his staff are all outstanding professionals with some serious case law knowledge and skill. His group went the extra mile for me and because of that, my life has forever changed. Thank you Attorney Daniel and everyone that’s a part of his firm that worked so hard. I really appreciate you!
    D P.
    D P.
    I am Extremely Happy with Morrow & Sheppard Lawfirm. I worked closely with Daniel Sheppard and Chris on my case. They were diligent in handling my law case matter to resolution. Daniel would keep me up to date with the status of my case and Chris would also ensure all my paper work was submitted in a timely manner. I am Very Happy with the Outcome! Thank you Daniel and Chris. I highly recommend their services and would not hesitate to use them again.
    Nikki L.
    Nikki L.
    Very strong and courageous law firm I recommend to anyone who has suffered a injury from companies who need to be held responsible for lack of safety and security, my family is set for life and with these lawyers never backing down and fighting for truth behind every case and seeking the best future for our family has given our family a second chance at being able to make it in life and holding companies accountable lifting burdens off our lives, very proud and beyond blessed to have had them fight the fight and have a tremendous outcome for our future. Along with a great and kind staff we HIGHLY recommend this law firm.
    angel martinez J.
    angel martinez J.
    Professional and knowledgeable with years of experience.
    Richard L.
    Richard L.
    I had a accident and I chose morrow&sheppard they was great from the start to the finish Chris was real informative and helpful was the whole process and got me a fair settlement they really care about there Clients if you in a car accident call them
    Amanda W.
    Amanda W.
    After a car accident last year I went to Morrow & Sheppard for assistance. Jose and Chris were exceptionally accommodating and handled my case with professionalism. They're primary concern was my well being and they went above and beyond to ensure I would receive the best settlement possible. A very efficient and dedicated team!
    Susan L.
    Susan L.
    I've been in the legal field for a while now and not only do I know John Sheppard & Nick Morrow, I have attorney friends that have worked with them throughout the years. This is a great firm and great people that work at Morrow & Sheppard. I have been reading the reviews on here and it makes me happy to see that their clients think as highly of them as I do.
    Dale S.
    Dale S.
    I was injured and my business closed down due to an accident in 2016. Daniel Sheppard became my greatest asset. He hired professional experts for their views and opinions as well as conducting numerous depositions. Daniel is hard working and no nonsense when handling your case. Daniel keeps you informed on what's going on and what to expect. I'm from Louisiana and my case was in Texas. Daniel Sheppard worked alone side my other attorney Yuri Beck, and the both of them did a fantastic job representing me and settling my case. Daniel Sheppard of Morrow & Sheppard in Texas and Yuri Beck of Hunter & Beck in Louisiana are my lawyers for LIFE.
    Rosie E.
    Rosie E.
    Nick Morrow and John Sheppard were the lead attorneys on my case to hold an apartment complex with inadequate security responsible for the death of my son. The two of them were focused and determined to represent me and my son's children with tenacity. As the case continued over time, it became apparent that we were not merely clients that were a means to a financial end to them but people who had experienced a life changing and devastating loss. They realized that as a result of our loss, there needed to be accountability that could only be obtained through legal actions. Throughout the legal process, Nick Morrow and John Sheppard were not only professional and transparent but also compassionate and empathetic as they lead us through the difficult and sometimes confusing legal maze. Every person in their office that was involved with our case exemplified an extension of the genuine concern that began with attorneys Morrow and Sheppard. I have and will continue to recommend this firm to individuals who find themselves in need of legal representation.
    Don D.
    Don D.
    The legal team at Morrow and Shepherd worked hard to help me win my case where a motorist who caused the accident changed her story and lied about the accident. A previous attorney kept telling me that I would probably have to pay some of the medical costs out of my own pocket.Daniel, my attorney, assured me that he would it is best to make sure this did not happen and that he would fight to get me the best compensation possible. He was true to his word.I'm happy with their work, happy with the compensation and would definitely use them again.The Legal Assistant, Chris, was always professional, friendly and polite and a pleasure to work with.A big thanks to the team!Don
    Jeff N.
    Jeff N.
    Nick and his group have helped where they can and are working hard to get a resolution to my injuries. I spoke with 4 different law firms prior to choosing Morrow & Sheppard LLP.ThanksJeff
    Elizabeth Swanson V.
    Elizabeth Swanson V.
    I was referred to Daniel Sheppard because of a car accident I had been in. I was very impressed with how he told me about the process of how things worked and the things to expect. He was very forth coming and always supportive. The experience was a positive one and ended on a great note! I highly recommend him.Elizabeth Varon
    Christine E.
    Christine E.
    Before I engaged John Sheppard, I was concerned that I might lose my case. However, John came onboard, turned things around, and set me on a good course to win. He got up to speed quickly on the facts and determined exactly what we needed to do. He is great at strategy, filing discovery and other motions, and arguing before the court. I was extremely pleased with the outcome of my case. If you need legal help in a personal injury action, commercial law or whatever, hire him immediately! He is a pleasure to work with, will thoroughly explain all to you in a manner you can understand, and will get you the best possible outcome. A+++
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