
World Prematurity Day

November 17, 2015

I’m proud that this Firm represents injured folks and small businesses, those that otherwise couldn’t afford lawyers. That’s usually what this blog is about.

But today I’m taking a break from the law, to recognize World Prematurity Day.

Every year 15 million babies are born too soon. 1 million of them die. The problem is particularly prevalent in the United States, where 1 out of every 10 babies is born prematurely.

The issue hits close to home for me. Exactly one year ago, on World Prematurity Day, my wife Amanda gave birth to our twin boys, Robbie and Tommy. They were born at 24 weeks–four months early–and they weighed about a pound each.

The next 116 days in the intensive care unit, and even the months after that, were terrifying.

We learned words and phrases that no parent should ever have to: pneumothorax, spontaneous intestinal perforation, patent ductus arteriosus, bradycardia. None of that stuff is good.  All of it comes from being born too early.

There is some good news though. Sitting here today, on our boys’ first birthday, things have improved dramatically. The boys are crawling, pulling up, laughing, babbling, and most of all keeping us up at night. I couldn’t be more proud.

I remember being in the hospital and deriving so much strength from other people’s success stories.  I hope Robbie and Tommy can provide some hope to any preemie parents out there who may find this article.  (You are welcome to call me.)   It’s been a long road, and the boys may still face challenges, but we couldn’t be happier with how things are going right now.

We’re forever grateful for all the prayers, thoughts, and support we’ve received from friends and family. We’re also thankful for the wonderful NICU care we received at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas.

Today, please take a moment and send some prayers and positive thoughts to Robbie, Tommy, and all the premature babies out there (plus their families). If you have the means, please consider donating to the March of Dimes, a fabulous organization that supports families of premature babies.

Now, without further ado, Happy Birthday Robbie and Tommy!

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