
Award-Winning Oilfield Injury Lawyer in Houston

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an oilfield accident, contact our dedicated Houston oilfield accident lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP for a free, confidential consultation.

  • Millions of Dollars Recovered for Our Clients

  • Hundreds of Cases Won in Excess of $1 Billion

  • Help With All Types of Oilfield Injuries

  • A Track Record of Success

  • Only Pay If You Win

Representing Victims of Oilfield Injuries

Working in the oil & gas industry can be a dangerous job in the Permian Basin, with oilfield workers and oil and gas workers exposed to a variety of hazards that can result in serious injury. If you or a loved one has been injured while working in the oilfield, you need an experienced oilfield injury attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve. At Morrow & Sheppard LLP, we have extensive experience representing clients who have been injured in oilfield accidents. We understand these cases’ unique challenges, and we have the knowledge and resources to help you get the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

How An Experienced Oilfield Injury Lawyer Can Help In Case Of An Accident

Before getting medical attention, the injured worker must report what happened to their supervisor. If there are any witnesses to the incident, they should also be interviewed by an oilfield accident investigation team. A complete investigation will help determine liability for injuries sustained in an oilfield accident. An oilfield injury attorney can investigate the circumstances of an accident and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. This includes:

  • Talking to witnesses and reviewing any records that may be relevant to the incident
  • Performing a physical inspection of the area where the accident took place
  • Reviewing any incident reports and photographs of the scene. They may also review its maintenance records if the incident involved a vehicle or oilfield equipment.
  • Reviewing any medical reports and statements the injured party provides
  • Reviewing any safety policies and procedures related to the incident. They may also review training records for those involved in the incident, including supervisors and workers on duty that day.
  • Interacting with the liable party’s insurance company to ensure coverage of expenses and potential damages.

Common Types of Oil Rig Injuries

Here is a breakdown of some of the common and serious injuries for workers in oil rigs.

Burns and Explosions

Oil and gas are highly flammable substances that can explode and cause huge fires. Workers must handle and store the substances properly to keep those working with or near them safe. But this doesn’t always happen, and workers become exposed to toxic fumes or burns from fire, leading to catastrophic injuries when explosions happen.

Slip and Fall Accidents

When the workplace is not properly maintained to ensure the safety of the workers, slip and fall accidents are unavoidable. The decks in an oil field can become cluttered or dangerously slippery, causing the workers to slip and fall. Other workers also fall from heights, injuring their heads and backs.

Crush Injuries

Swinging loads and pipes are common in oil fields, and they can fall on workers, causing serious head injuries. Wearing helmets and other protective equipment is crucial to offer protection from these injuries.

Toxic Exposure

Exposure to deadly gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is common in oilfields. The gas can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. It can also block the nerves and cause headaches and disorientation. Prolonged exposure to this gas or other toxic substances can lead to respiratory issues and brain problems.

Equipment Malfunction

Oil rig machinery can also fail due to poor handling, improper maintenance, and defects. Workers may become injured when working with defective equipment or attempting to repair a malfunction. Manufacturing defects can also cause equipment malfunction, leading to accidents.

Let’s Help You Get The Justice You Deserve

Oil field accidents, including fatal accidents, have many repercussions and can change the victim’s life forever. What’s even worse is that these companies’ owners value profit over their workers’ safety. They often bully the victims into receiving meager compensation for their injuries. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve if you or your loved one sustained injuries at work. If you suffer any of the above accidents, you need a Houston oilfield injury attorney to represent you and ensure you get fair compensation. Some of the ways attorneys can help you include:

Investigating the Accident and Collecting Evidence

Houston accident attorneys have many years of experience handling these cases. They know where to look while investigating the accident and can collect reliable evidence to help you win even the most complicated work injury claim.

Filing an Oilfield Injury Claim

When you get injured at work, you won’t be able to get up and file an oilfield injury claim. With a reliable oilfield injury attorney by your side, all you can do is focus on your recovery. Let your attorney take care of all the paperwork.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies and Defendants

Insurance companies are notoriously profit-oriented and will do everything possible to give you the minimum compensation possible, even in cases of serious or fatal injuries. Your Houston oilfield accident attorney knows how to negotiate with insurance companies and get them to pay the maximum compensation.

Representing You in Court

When negotiations with insurance companies and defendants don’t yield fruit, the case may go to court, and you need legal representation. Your attorney will help gather all the paperwork and the evidence and present them to the judge. They fight for your rights to ensure you win the legal battle.

Why Choose Us as Your Houston Oilfield Injury Attorney

If you or your loved one suffered from an oilfield accident, you need an oilfield injury attorney you can rely on to get fair compensation. Our oilfield injury lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard, LLP are here to fight for you in every way possible. We are highly experienced and have a proven track record in gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, as well as representing our clients in court whenever necessary. We have seen how companies blame workers for injuries at work, and we assure you that we will fight for you and ensure you win. Our team ensures client satisfaction and will listen to you and explain all your legal options in these cases. We also offer free consultation and work on a no-fee promise. You deserve to be compensated for your injuries and losses, so don’t hesitate to contact Morrow & Sheppard, LLP as soon as possible to assist you in recovering the compensation you are entitled to. You’ll only pay us when you win your case!

Morrow & Sheppard, LLP represents injured oilfield workers in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Louisiana including Midland, Odessa, Lubbock, Houston, Carlsbad, Hobbs, Lovington, Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and the surrounding communities, and across the United States.

Common Questions

There are three main things that go into evaluating a personal injury case:

  1. Deadlines. You have to file your personal injury or wrongful death case in time. This time limit is called the statute of limitations. In most states, the deadline to file a claim is triggered by the date the accident occurred. Below we have listed some deadlines we often see in states where oilfield accidents commonly occur. But different things could make your specific deadline shorter or longer. That’s one of the reasons it is important to consult with an experienced oilfield injury lawyer as soon as possible following an incident, and it is one of the reasons our law firm consults with potential clients, confidentially, for free, 24/7.
  2. Negligence Or Wrongful Conduct. To recover for your oilfield injury, or a loved one’s death, a company or person that was involved in the incident typically has to have done something that was not “reasonable” under the circumstances. Whether someone acted “unreasonably” may not be obvious at first. In many, many cases, our personal injury lawyers (or experts we have hired) uncover a violation of industry standards or defective products that the clients did not know about when they first came to us. That is another reason it is important to consult with lawyers who have handled oilfield cases. You have to know what to look for.
  3. Damages. The third key element in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit case is damages.  If there is a wrongful death, amputation, head injury, burn, or broken bone, the damage is obvious. But something like a herniated disc in the back or neck may not be apparent at first, and may get worse over time. The severity of mental injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) may not be apparent. Other afflictions such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (“CRPS”) can go undiagnosed and untreated if you do not visit the right doctors and experts. Our oilfield lawyers have seen these things before, and we are experienced in helping clients find the right doctors and experts to make sure such conditions are not missed.

The deadline to file your oilfield case is usually referred to as the “statute of limitations.” Below are deadlines we commonly see in oilfield cases. The statute of limitations to bring an oilfield injury claim can depend on the facts and circumstances of your particular case, which is one of the many reasons it is a good idea to contact our oilfield injury lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights.

State Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims Source
Louisiana 1 year Louisiana Civil Code § 3492
New Mexico 3 years New Mexico Statutes §37-1-8
North Dakota 6 years North Dakota Code §§ 28-01-16, 28-01-18
Oklahoma 2 years Oklahoma Statutes §12-95
Pennsylvania 2 years 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 5542
Texas 2 years Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 16.003
West Virginia 2 years West Virginia Code § 55-2-12(b)
Wyoming 4 years Wyoming Statutes §1-3-105(a)(v), (B)

Short answer: While no two cases are the same, because we have handled so many oilfield injury cases, we often can provide a rough estimate of your likely case value relatively early on in the process, after we file your case and secure relevant information. We have handled cases worth more than $20 million for a single client. We have also evaluated potential cases that were not worth anything. There is no guidebook or list that sets out how much your case is worth, but our experience often allows us to give you an educated estimate.

Every oilfield client wants to know how much their case is worth. Every good lawyer will hesitate to answer this question. And they should. The whole purpose of the lawsuit and claim process is to figure out how much each case is worth. No two cases are the same, and it is impossible to know how much your case is worth without going through at least some of the process.

With that being said, our oilfield injury lawyers have handled enough cases to spot the things that companies and insurance carriers look for when they evaluate personal injury and wrongful death cases. These factors include how bad the defendants’ conduct was, how severe (and obvious) your injuries are, the amount of your past and future medical bills and lost wages, what juries typically award in the court where your case is assigned, and the strength and track record of the lawyers involved.

When you consult with us, we will gather as much information as we can. Our experienced oilfield injury lawyers will be able to compare your case to others we have handled, as well as databases of cases that have been handled in the area where your case will be filed. When we have this information, we may be able to give you a rough estimate of the value of your case.

As your case proceeds, we will continue to refine and adjust our evaluation, because (again) the whole point of the lawsuit process is to get the information needed to value your case.

Short answer: Generally, you do not have to pay anything out of pocket to our oilfield injury attorneys.

In most cases, we represent personal injury and wrongful death clients on contingency fee. That means our law firm advances all the costs and attorneys’ fees of bringing your oilfield injury case, and we only recover our fees and expenses if you win. Clients on contingency fee do not pay our injury lawyers out-of-pocket.

You can learn more about contingency fees and our “no fee” promise here.

To better understand your rights, we respectfully suggest that you take advantage of the free and confidential consultations with one of our oilfield attorneys, who are available 24/7 to evaluate your potential case.

Short answer: To figure out who was at fault, our personal injury lawyers typically conduct a detailed and through investigation, which will usually include things like an analysis of industry standards, hiring experts in the field, serving document subpoenas and freedom of information requests (FOIAs), and conducting witness interviews.

Because we have handled so many oilfield injury cases, our law firm can often quickly figure out who was at fault for an incident. It may be a company man who gave improper instructions, a drilling crew who improperly assembled a rig that collapsed, or a service company that negligently operated a piece of machinery that crushed or burned someone.

Other times, the cause of an oilfield accident or explosion may be more subtle. It may have been unreasonable for a company to use a particular piece of equipment, because a newer, safer version existed.  Workers on the ground—including the injured people—may not have even known about the safer alternative, because management didn’t tell anyone, usually because management was not yet ready to spend money on the alternative, even though it was safer.

We look for these sometimes hidden, contributing causes by consulting with industry experts from around the country. As an example, we have hired NASA scientists, safety experts who used to work in the oilfield, industrial hygienists who have designed safety programs for large companies, OSHA experts, and even ex-military personnel who have special knowledge about a particular product design or safe work practice.

We also consult with a library and database of industry standards and information we have at our law firm. This includes things like industry standards put out by the American Petroleum Institute (“API”), International Organization for Standardization (“IOS”), and American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”). In many catastrophic oilfield cases, we have discovered oilfield workers were violating standards they didn’t even know about, because management and corporate safety departments failed to pass along the information. That may be hard to believe in this day and age, but it happens more often than you think.

If this kind of investigation sounds expensive and difficult, that’s because it is. But it is not your burden to bear. In a standard oilfield injury or wrongful death case, we work on a contingency fee, which means we front the costs to hire such experts. You do not have to come out of pocket for these costs. We take the risk because we believe in your case, and we believe you should get justice.

Short answer: Most oilfield injury cases we have handled take 6 months to 3 years to resolve or get to trial, depending on the types of things outlined below.

Sometimes our personal injury lawyers are able to make a demand and negotiate a settlement before a lawsuit is even filed.  But most times, oil companies, service providers, and product manufacturers will not admit fault without a fight.

What does this “fight” entail?  After we file a lawsuit on your behalf, your case usually enters the discovery phase. This is when we work to figure out what happened. We demand documents from the companies we believe may be responsible. We take sworn testimony or “depositions” from witnesses who were present when the incident happened, or who may know about policies and procedures that relate to an incident. We hire experts who are familiar with the work going on and the equipment involved, and will testify on your behalf. We may also hire medical experts who will establish your injuries were caused by the incident, economists who to figure out your lost wages and earning capacity, and lifecare planners to figure out how much your future medical care will cost.

When the discovery process is complete, your lawsuit will typically go to a mediation. That is when a former judge or lawyer who is not involved in the case tries to help both sides come to an agreement on your compensation.

If mediation and negotiations are unsuccessful, your case will go to trial. We have had cases settle during trial. Other times, we have to get a jury verdict, and after that, sometimes there is an appeal.

We have had cases settle in less than 6 months. Other cases can take a few years. The court your case is assigned to, the strength of your case, and your (the client’s) wishes and expectations can be important factors in how long a case takes to resolve. We do our best to push cases forward to verdict or settlement as quickly as we can, and make sure you are supported along the way.

Based on our clients’ experiences and feedback, as well as the large recoveries and settlements we have obtained for our clients, we believe our approach works. We would be privileged to make our method work for you and your family.

The second most common type of oilfield injury is fatality. The oilfield’s most common cause of death is a fall from heights. This can happen when someone is working on an oil derrick, but it also happens when workers are on the ground below. Other common causes of fatality include exposure to toxic chemicals and gases, electrocution, and burns from fires or explosions.

In the old days, a person’s personal injury claim died along with them. Now, most states have passed “wrongful death” statutes. These laws entitle the surviving family members or executor of a dead workers’ estate to bring claims for compensation on behalf of the worker who has died. For example, the following states have wrongful death statutes that may provide compensation to the wives and family members of oilfield workers who die on the job:

  • Louisiana. § 2512.2 of the Louisiana Civil Code.
  • New Mexico. New Mexico Statutes Section 41-2-1.
  • North Dakota. North Dakota statute Section 32-21-01.
  • Oklahoma. Oklahoma Statutes § 12-1053.
  • Pennsylvania. 42 Pa. C.S.A. Section 8301.
  • Texas. Chapter 71 of the Texas Civil Practices & Remedies Code.
  • West Virginia. WV Code §§ 55-7-5; 55-7-6.
  • Wyoming. Wyo. Stat. § 1-38-101.

You can learn more about wrongful death actions on our website. For legal advice, and to better understand your rights, we encourage you to consult with one of our attorneys, confidentially and without any cost to you.

Short answer: Typically not, unless you decide to.

Over 90 percent of personal injury and wrongful death cases settle. The ultimate decision whether or not to settle is up to the client.

If a settlement offer is made, we will give you our advice. Sometimes we may recommend turning down an offer, either because we think you should hold out for a better offer, or because we think your case should go to trial. Sometimes we may believe an offer is acceptable and recommend that you take it. In either case, you ultimately decide whether or not to accept a settlement offer, within reason.

A case can settle at any point. Some cases settle early within the first 6months or even sooner, before a lawsuit is filed. Some cases take years to wind themselves through the trial and appeal process. More often than not, clients have a say in how long the process takes, because clients decide whether or not to accept the settlement offers that are made.

Cases that involve millions of dollars typically take longer to resolve than small cases. Clients who want top dollar in large cases typically have to hold out for longer. In catastrophic, multi-million-dollar cases, corporations and insurance companies often dangle less than fair value early on, and right up until the bitter end, hoping that injured people will become desperate. Our oilfield injury lawyers do our best to support our clients in such cases, make sure they understand what is going on, and prepare them to do what is necessary to get full and fair value for their cases, which in serious injury cases often means millions of dollars.

Many oilfield workers who are injured assume that workers’ compensation insurance will take care of them if an injury occurs. They are rightfully disappointed when they learn that, instead, workers’ compensation only pays a small portion of their lost wages.

Further, in some cases, workers’ compensation attempts to force injured workers to treat with doctors in the workers’ comp “system” who tend to under-diagnose injuries to save the corporations and insurance carriers money.

To recover lost wages, and be made whole, most oilfield workers have to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is often only possible if a “third party” is responsible for the incident, because in most cases, a worker cannot sue the employer that provides the workers’ compensation insurance.

The good news is that, in the oilfield, a “third party” is often at least partly responsible for the incident. An oilfield services company, oil company, or equipment provider may have been onsite and made a bad decision. A safety company may have prepared inadequate policies and procedures which contributed to an incident. A piece of equipment may have been defectively designed or manufactured. In such cases, oilfield workers and their families are often entitled to recover lost wages and earning capacity from these “third parties.” To calculate lost wages and earning capacity, our oilfield lawyers typically will retain an expert economist, who will take into consideration things like your past earnings, the rate of inflation, and U.S. Department of Labor statistics regarding work-life expectancy.

Importantly, you may not immediately recognize that a “third party” was responsible. That is why it is important to consult with our experienced injury lawyers, who have handled many oilfield injury and explosion cases, so that we can help you spot a potential responsible party. That may be the only way to help your family get back on their feet.

In a serious injury case, such as those involving brain injury, amputation, burns, paralysis, and spine (neck and back) injuries requiring surgery, an injured oilfield worker may need medical care for the rest of their lives.

How do you make sure the medical care for those injures is provided for? Our oilfield injury attorneys will frequently consult with experts whose job it is to figure out what treatment is necessary, and estimate how much it is going to cost.

Here are a few examples. If an oilfield explosion or chemical spill has caused you burn injuries, you may need to consult with a burn expert, often a plastic surgeon who works in a burn hospital. On the other hand, an oilfield worker struck by a piece of falling equipment who is paralyzed or partially paralyzed may need to consult with a neurologist or physical rehabilitation doctor familiar with the future medical needs of such patients. A person who has had a limb caught in between pieces of moving equipment or a falling rig structure may have limbs amputated, and they may need to consult with experts who specialize in cutting-edge prosthetics, including what may be coming on the market in the future, and how much the prosthetics are likely to cost. An oilfield head injury victim may need to have a neuropsychologist evaluate and determine what kinds of rehabilitation and future attendant nursing care will be needed. An oilfield worker with a neck or back injury requiring surgery may need a spine surgery expert who can analyze what follow-up procedures may be needed down the road.

After those consultations are done, and recommendations are made by the field experts, our oilfield injury lawyers often retain a lifecare planner to estimate the likely cost of the future treatment. Those costs are then submitted to the defense (and, if there is a trial, to the jury) to evaluate, and ultimately award compensation. In a serious injury case, it is often critical to have these issues evaluated, to make sure that you are able to get the care you need going forward. Our oilfield injury attorneys have years of experience finding and retaining medical experts. We have consulted with hundreds of doctors and lifecare planners, and we have identified those who (we believe) are most qualified to give the opinions needed to maximize our clients’ recovery, and ensure their needs are met. We generally work on contingency fee, which means in most cases, we front the costs of retaining these experts, and we only recoup those costs when we win your case. We work hard to make sure your medical needs are estimated by the right experts, and that your future is provided for.

We have handled and evaluated countless oilfield accidents.  Cases that have resulted in large compensation awards include:

  • Equipment failure and malfunction. Examples include pumps, hoses, piping, fittings, forklifts, control panels, chiksans, casing, tubing, well control equipment (including blowout preventers or “BOP”s), and solids control equipment such as de-gassers, centrifuges, and de-sanders
  • Failure to follow policies and procedures
  • Inadequate training
  • Lifting and hoisting injuries
  • Dropped and falling objects
  • Electrocution and electric shocks
  • Poor maintenance practices
  • Metal fatigue and corrosion
  • Overuse of equipment, including use beyond the manufacturer’s recommended useful life for a product
  • Design, manufacturing, and warning defects
  • Failure to lockout/tagout equipment
  • Welding defects, including improper welds and old welds
  • Failure to have a spotter or lookout during a hazardous operation, such as a crane or winch operation
  • Negligent operation of a piece of moving equipment, such as a forklift accident, backhoe accident, or power tong issue
  • Failure to conduct necessary safety meetings including job safety analysis (JSAs), job hazard analysis (JHA), safe to perform (STP), permit to work (PTW), and hot work permits
  • Oilfield truck accidents including winch trucks and vacuum trucks, which are known causes of oilfield explosions

These are just some of the common causes of oilfield accidents.

Generally, the answer is no.

Our oilfield injury lawyers regularly handle cases for injured workers who receive workers’ compensation from their employers. These workers cannot bring claims against their employers, but they are able to bring “third party claims” against other companies who may be partly or wholly at fault for accidents that occur in the oilfield. Bringing these third party claims is critical to oilfield families, because most workers’ compensation insurance programs pay only a fraction of what is needed to make ends meet.

In the oilfield, several contractors typically work alongside the oil company (operator) that owns the well. An injured worker typically cannot bring a lawsuit against his or her direct employer, the company who purchased the workers’ compensation insurance. However, the worker is often entitled to recover from the other companies who were involved in the incident, or from a company that is involved in providing a piece of equipment that fails or is defective. Our firm has found that the at-fault party may not be obvious at first, which is why consulting with an oilfield injury lawyer who handles oilfield injury cases is important, and in many cases can be critical.

Here’s an example. You work for a wireline contractor at a drillsite. You are inured because of a bad decision or mistake made by an employee of a different company, such as the drilling contractor, mud company, cement company, water truck hauler, or even the oil company. In most states, you are entitled to make a claim and recover damages from the other company’s insurance. Also, you may not know that the equipment involved in your injury did not meet industry standards, was defectively designed, or was provided by a rental company that knew the equipment had problems. In such a case, the product manufacturer or rental company may be legally responsible for making you and your family whole.

In these cases, you may be entitled to bring a third party claim. If your injuries are serious or catastrophic, hiring an experienced oilfield injury attorney who is skilled at identifying these third party claims can mean the difference between living a comfortable life, and having no food on the table.

The hazards and dangers in the oilfield can lead to a variety of injuries when proper safety protocols are not followed. The most common oilfield injuries our oilfield injury lawyers see include:

  1. Neck and back injuries, including strains, herniations, and fractures along the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar parts of the spine.
  2. Paralysis and partial paralysis, including paraplegia and quadriplegia. Paralysis can result from things like falling objects, falls from height, and high velocity impact.
  3. Amputation of arms, fingers, toes, and legs. This often results from crush injuries as well as limbs being caught between pieces of moving oilfield equipment.
  4. Burns of different severity, including first, second, and third-degree burns. In the oilfield, burns can be caused by fires and explosions, as well as chemical exposure (even cement used in drilling casing can cause severe burns.)
  5. Head injuries, including closed head injuries as well as open fractures. Most commonly, head injuries are caused by falling objects, although our oilfield attorneys have also handled cases in which head injuries were caused by moving equipment strikes, vehicle accidents, and slips, trips and falls.
  6. Chemical exposure including lung and inhalation injuries.
  7. Broken bones and ligament damage including knees, arms, legs, wrists, and ankles.

Unfortunately, there have been safety shortcuts, equipment failures, personal injuries, and wrongful deaths in oilfields around the country. In 2022, most active shore-based oilfield activity is going on in the following locations:

  • West Texas and eastern New Mexico. As many as 50 percent of active drilling rigs are in this region, particularly in the Permian Basin.
  • South Texas. Approximately 10 percent of active drilling rigs are in the south Texas Eagle Ford oilfields.
  • East Texas, northwest Louisiana, and southeast Arkansas. Another 10 percent of active rigs are in this region’s Haynesville formation.
  • Oklahoma. 10 percent of drilling is in the Anadarko formation in Oklahoma.
  • Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah. Around 5 percent of active rigs can be found here, in the Niobrara formation.
  • North Dakota and Montana. Another 5 percent of rigs are here, in the Bakken shale.
  • West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, New York. 10 percent of rigs can be found in the Appalachian formations.

There are large and small companies operating in the oilfield.  Most are required to have liability insurance to cover personal injury lawsuits.

Large oilfield service companies (both onshore and offshore) operating around the world include:

  • ABB Group
  • Abbot Group
  • Acteon
  • ADES
  • Aibel
  • Aker Solutions
  • Al Mansoori
  • Argos Oil Tools
  • Baker Hughes
  • Baker Petrolite LLC
  • Bedrock Petroleum Consultants
  • BGR Energy Systems
  • Calfrac Well Services
  • Canary, LLC (formerly Frontier Energy Group)
  • CGG
  • Challenger Limited
  • China Oilfield Services
  • Clough Group
  • Core Laboratories
  • Coretrax
  • Cyntech
  • DCP Midstream Partners
  • Diamond Offshore Drilling
  • DOF Subsea
  • Emerson
  • Engineers India
  • ESG Solutions
  • Eversource Energy
  • Expro
  • Fairfield Geotechnologies
  • Fern Communications
  • Flowserve
  • Fluor Corporation
  • Fugro
  • GAC Group
  • Gaia Earth Sciences
  • Geokinetics
  • Geophysical Service
  • Gibson Energy
  • GlobaLogix
  • Grup Servicii Petroliere
  • Gyrodata
  • Halliburton
  • Helix Energy Solutions Group
  • Helmerich & Payne
  • Hill International
  • Honeywell
  • Hunting plc
  • Huawei
  • Hytera
  • ION Geophysical
  • J&L Supply Co.
  • Jacobs Engineering Group
  • KCA Deutag
  • Key Energy Services
  • Larsen & Toubro
  • Lowes Corporation
  • McDermott International
  • Nabors Industries
  • Nalco Champion
  • National Oilwell Varco (NOV)
  • Neuman & Esser
  • NESR
  • Nexans
  • Newpark Resources
  • Noble Corporation
  • Oceaneering International
  • Odfjell Drilling
  • OneSubsea
  • Penspen
  • Petrofac
  • Petroleum Geo-Services
  • PJP4
  • Polarcus
  • Precision Drilling
  • Proserv
  • Rockwell Automation
  • Rosneft
  • Saipem
  • Sapura Energy
  • SBM Offshore
  • Schlumberger
  • Schneider Electric
  • Schoeller-Bleckmann
  • Scomi
  • Seaboard International
  • Seadrill
  • Secure Energy Services
  • Shawcor
  • Shelf Drilling
  • Siemens
  • Sparrows Group
  • SPX Flow
  • Stewart & Stevenson
  • Subsea 7
  • Superior Energy Services
  • Swire
  • TAM International
  • TechnipFMC
  • Tecnicas Reunidas
  • Tendeka
  • TiteWater Energy, LLC
  • Tracerco
  • Transocean
  • Trican Well Service
  • Trinidad Drilling
  • Valaris plc
  • Weatherford International
  • Wasco Energy
  • Wavefront
  • Weir Group
  • Welltec
  • Wood Group
  • Worley
Some of the larger oil companies operating in the United States include:
  • Antero Resources
  • APA Corporation
  • Berry Petroleum Company
  • Blacksands Pacific
  • California Resources Corporation
  • Chesapeake Energy
  • Chevron Corporation
  • Chord Energy
  • CNX Resources
  • ConocoPhillips
  • Continental Resources
  • Coterra
  • Denbury Inc.
  • Devon Energy
  • Diamondback Energy
  • EOG Resources
  • EQT
  • ExxonMobil
  • Greka Energy
  • Hess Corporation
  • HKN, Inc.
  • Koch Industries
  • Laredo Petroleum
  • Marathon Oil
  • Murphy Oil
  • Occidental Petroleum
  • Ovintiv
  • Pioneer Natural Resources
  • Range Resources
  • SandRidge Energy
  • Shell Oil Company
  • SM Energy
  • Southwestern Energy
  • Vaalco Energy
  • XTO Energy

What Our Clients Are Saying

Shelia T.
Shelia T.
Griselda Alvarado is such a kind and patient individual. She has a great personality. Through this process she has been so helpful. I needed ti fill out paperwork for a case . She was very patient with me I'm not a computers wise. I was embarrassed to tell her. She gave me the option to come into the office I declined several times. Finally I had to go into office. When I met her she was so helpful and kind. She was suppose to get off at 5 we stayed close to 6. Never did she try to rush the process she was very patient with me. We got everything done and she was so helpful. She has a beautiful spirit and assured everything was completed. She offered me water and kept asking if I needed a break. Since the covid out break I have a phobia being out in public and dealing with people. She was great assisting my needs. Thanks again Griselda for a job well done.
Sujey G.
Sujey G.
Hola buenos días Excelente atención y servicio Muchísimas gracias a la Sra Jaqueline Rodríguez por toda la atención brindada.
Melissa Z.
Melissa Z.
I hereby acknowledge the valuable help I received from Mrs. Griselda Alvarado and her team in the follow-up and completion of my case, which was favorable and of great benefit to me. In doing so, I highly recommend that people with similar cases turn to this team. Thank you for everything! Virginia Zavala
Bryan M.
Bryan M.
My experience is very excellent because the tension and the way they treat the people is excellent and like the ladies Laura and Griselda are kind with their service because both of them where the ones that most helped for my case to go good with the excellent work that Nick and Mike do.Im very thankful with all of them.
Anna D.
Anna D.
Ms. Griselda Alvarado has helped my friends and family for years. Very thankful for her and her teams support. She goes above and beyond for her clients. She is very knowledgeable, speaks Spanish and is great at explaining the process. If you need help, definitely reach out to her.
Rod A.
Rod A.
Thank you so much Griselda for great service and helping me..through of the case..
Dray H.
Dray H.
From the very first consultation, I was struck by their professionalism and commitment. Chris and Daniel took the time to listen to my concerns, understand our situation, and outline a clear path forward. It was apparent that they all were not just going through the motions; they were genuinely invested in achieving the best outcome for my son as he suffered a lot from being hit by a car. Throughout the process, their hard work was evident. Your choice of legal representation can make a world of difference, and I am fortunate to have found a lawyer and Firm who embodies these qualities. Thank you once again for everything; your efforts will not be forgotten. If you need an honest law firm that's going to be transparent and help get the best results, call Morrow and Sheppard.
They went through highs and lows to help me with my case. At the end we won thanks morrow & Sheppard so much…
Elena H.
Elena H.
They were professional and very helpful with everything. If had any questions they would be quick to respond and was able to help me understand it better on things during the whole case. Thank you so much and keep up the excellent work.
Pavan L.
Pavan L.
I must recommend MS LLP for their superb services. Their team is very attentive and responsive in assisting at all times.
Cynthia D.
Cynthia D.
Griselda was so helpful and knowledgeable! She made the entire experience seamless and went the extra mile on our case. We are so happy we chose Morrow & Sheppard to represent us!
Michael J.
Michael J.
John Sheppard and Chris West did an outstanding job in representing me following a rear-end collision. Highly recommended!
Jeff S.
Jeff S.
Nick and Laura are the best..They helped every step of the way.Can’t recommend them highly enough.Not only do they get results but they care and make you feel like family.
Cassandra M.
Cassandra M.
They were very professional and understanding. The have patience and do their job well. If I had to return I would with no hesitation
Juber M.
Juber M.
4 months agoI am Extremely Happy with Morrow & Sheppard Lawfirm. I worked closely with Nick Morrow end Laura on my case With the rest of his staff. They were diligent in handling my law case matter to resolution. Laura end Nick would keep me up to date with the status of my case … More , They fought for me to get the best settlement possible.. I am happy with the outcome Thank you Nick and the staff Of MORROW END SHEPPARD LLP
Candace M.
Candace M.
Chris West is an excellent addition to the Morrow & Sheppard team. His skill set, dedication, and overall reliability he brings to the firm and clients are uncanny. You will not be disappointed.
Melis R.
Melis R.
I highly recommend the Morrow & Sheppard to anyone. They are an incredible group that did an outstanding job to make sure I got the highest settlement for my case. Attorney Daniel and his staff are all outstanding professionals with some serious case law knowledge and skill. His group went the extra mile for me and because of that, my life has forever changed. Thank you Attorney Daniel and everyone that’s a part of his firm that worked so hard. I really appreciate you!
D P.
D P.
I am Extremely Happy with Morrow & Sheppard Lawfirm. I worked closely with Daniel Sheppard and Chris on my case. They were diligent in handling my law case matter to resolution. Daniel would keep me up to date with the status of my case and Chris would also ensure all my paper work was submitted in a timely manner. I am Very Happy with the Outcome! Thank you Daniel and Chris. I highly recommend their services and would not hesitate to use them again.
Nikki L.
Nikki L.
Very strong and courageous law firm I recommend to anyone who has suffered a injury from companies who need to be held responsible for lack of safety and security, my family is set for life and with these lawyers never backing down and fighting for truth behind every case and seeking the best future for our family has given our family a second chance at being able to make it in life and holding companies accountable lifting burdens off our lives, very proud and beyond blessed to have had them fight the fight and have a tremendous outcome for our future. Along with a great and kind staff we HIGHLY recommend this law firm.
angel martinez J.
angel martinez J.
Professional and knowledgeable with years of experience.
Richard L.
Richard L.
I had a accident and I chose morrow&sheppard they was great from the start to the finish Chris was real informative and helpful was the whole process and got me a fair settlement they really care about there Clients if you in a car accident call them
Amanda W.
Amanda W.
After a car accident last year I went to Morrow & Sheppard for assistance. Jose and Chris were exceptionally accommodating and handled my case with professionalism. They're primary concern was my well being and they went above and beyond to ensure I would receive the best settlement possible. A very efficient and dedicated team!
Susan L.
Susan L.
I've been in the legal field for a while now and not only do I know John Sheppard & Nick Morrow, I have attorney friends that have worked with them throughout the years. This is a great firm and great people that work at Morrow & Sheppard. I have been reading the reviews on here and it makes me happy to see that their clients think as highly of them as I do.
Dale S.
Dale S.
I was injured and my business closed down due to an accident in 2016. Daniel Sheppard became my greatest asset. He hired professional experts for their views and opinions as well as conducting numerous depositions. Daniel is hard working and no nonsense when handling your case. Daniel keeps you informed on what's going on and what to expect. I'm from Louisiana and my case was in Texas. Daniel Sheppard worked alone side my other attorney Yuri Beck, and the both of them did a fantastic job representing me and settling my case. Daniel Sheppard of Morrow & Sheppard in Texas and Yuri Beck of Hunter & Beck in Louisiana are my lawyers for LIFE.
Rosie E.
Rosie E.
Nick Morrow and John Sheppard were the lead attorneys on my case to hold an apartment complex with inadequate security responsible for the death of my son. The two of them were focused and determined to represent me and my son's children with tenacity. As the case continued over time, it became apparent that we were not merely clients that were a means to a financial end to them but people who had experienced a life changing and devastating loss. They realized that as a result of our loss, there needed to be accountability that could only be obtained through legal actions. Throughout the legal process, Nick Morrow and John Sheppard were not only professional and transparent but also compassionate and empathetic as they lead us through the difficult and sometimes confusing legal maze. Every person in their office that was involved with our case exemplified an extension of the genuine concern that began with attorneys Morrow and Sheppard. I have and will continue to recommend this firm to individuals who find themselves in need of legal representation.
Don D.
Don D.
The legal team at Morrow and Shepherd worked hard to help me win my case where a motorist who caused the accident changed her story and lied about the accident. A previous attorney kept telling me that I would probably have to pay some of the medical costs out of my own pocket.Daniel, my attorney, assured me that he would it is best to make sure this did not happen and that he would fight to get me the best compensation possible. He was true to his word.I'm happy with their work, happy with the compensation and would definitely use them again.The Legal Assistant, Chris, was always professional, friendly and polite and a pleasure to work with.A big thanks to the team!Don
Jeff N.
Jeff N.
Nick and his group have helped where they can and are working hard to get a resolution to my injuries. I spoke with 4 different law firms prior to choosing Morrow & Sheppard LLP.ThanksJeff
Elizabeth Swanson V.
Elizabeth Swanson V.
I was referred to Daniel Sheppard because of a car accident I had been in. I was very impressed with how he told me about the process of how things worked and the things to expect. He was very forth coming and always supportive. The experience was a positive one and ended on a great note! I highly recommend him.Elizabeth Varon
Christine E.
Christine E.
Before I engaged John Sheppard, I was concerned that I might lose my case. However, John came onboard, turned things around, and set me on a good course to win. He got up to speed quickly on the facts and determined exactly what we needed to do. He is great at strategy, filing discovery and other motions, and arguing before the court. I was extremely pleased with the outcome of my case. If you need legal help in a personal injury action, commercial law or whatever, hire him immediately! He is a pleasure to work with, will thoroughly explain all to you in a manner you can understand, and will get you the best possible outcome. A+++

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